Summer Reading is June 1 - July 31, 2024
Who Can Participate?
The Summer Reading Program is for everyone! We have programs for every reader, from babies to kids to teens and adults. Slips can be turned in anytime during the summer, but the final deadline is Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.
Track your participation online with READsquared! Visit soloniowa.readsquared.com or download the READsquared app and select "Solon Public Library." Create accounts for each member of your household and enroll them int heir age appropriate programs.
Record your reading, enter secret codes and exchange your points for grand prize raffle tickets in the app! Show your badges at the Library to claim your small prizes. Each secret code can only be used once per participant.
Please let us know if you have any questions as you set up your accounts.
Whether you track online or via paper, all participants will be entered into READsquared and will receive the same small prizes and chances to win grand prizes.
Secret Codes
Collecting secret codes is another way to participate in Summer Reading! Each summer activity will have a secret code provided. For every four codes you collect you earn another small prize and a chance to win a grand prize! Each secret code can only be used once per participant.
Just like with Reading Logs, you can participate via READsquared or on paper. Secret code slips can be turned in anytime during the summer, but the final deadline is Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.
Special Leveled Prize
All participants who complete Level 1 will receive a Summer Reading T-Shirt from Hills Bank of Mt. Vernon. (While supplies last)
Some programs require registration due to space and material limitations. All registration can be completed online with these quick steps: visit our website calendar, then navigate to the desired program, click the Register Now button to complete the registration form. A confirmation email will be sent to the email you provide. Please contact us with any questions or for assistance in this process.
Please note the following dates:
- June program registration opens May 20th.
- July program registration opens June 20th.

Littles & Caregivers
Little ones birth through incoming kindergarteners track books read this summer. Each level takes 8 books to complete.
Caregivers can track books they read to their littles. Each level takes 16 books to complete.
Each level earns you one small prize and a chance to win a grand prize.
Storytime: Tuesdays in June & July @ 9:30 or 10:30 AM
Join us in reading books, singing songs, and playing games! Choose a time that works best for you and join us!
Special Storytime Locations for Summer:
Tuesday, June 4th, 10:30 AM @ SRNA Splash Pad
Tuesday, July 2nd, 10:30 AM @ Randall Park
Saturday Storytime: Saturdays, June 8, July 13 @ 10:30 AM
Come enjoy songs, stories, and activities. All-ages are invited to attend this monthly storytime. (Continues year round on the 2nd Saturday of the month)

Kids (incoming 1st - 5th graders) track reading minutes. Reading independently, aloud, or listening to someone else read counts towards your reading minutes. When you read aloud to a friend or sibling, both of you may count that time! Each level takes 160 minutes to complete and earns you one small prize and a chance to win a grand prize!
Kids Weekly Programs (visit our calendar for complete program details)
Thursday, June 6th @ 2 PM: Shrinky Dinks with Recycled Plastic
Monday, June 10th @ 2 PM: Read with a K9! Registration Required
Wednesday, June 12th @ 5:30 PM: Cardboard Makerspace with the Iowa Children's Museum
Thursday, June 20th @ 11 AM: Prompt for the Planet with the LENA Project
Friday, June 28th @ 10 AM: Nature Scavenger Hunt
Thursday, July 11th @ 3 PM: Recycled Weaving
Monday, July 15th @ 10 AM: Seed Bombs with Johnson County Farm Bureau
Monday, July 22nd @ 6 PM: Bee & Butterfly Houses

Teens (incoming 6th-12th graders) track reading minutes. Reading independently, aloud, or listening to someone else read counts toward your reading minutes. When you read aloud to a friend or sibling, both of you may count that time! Each level takes 200 minutes to complete and earns you one small prize and a chance to win a grand prize!
Teen Tuesdays @ 2 PM (visit our calendar for complete program details)
Beginning Tuesday, June 11th, we'll have Teen Tuesdays with special teen programs in June & July. Learn new things and have with friends new and old.
Tuesday, June 11th: Outdoor Photography (bring your own device)
Tuesday, June 18th: Pride Celebration with United Action for Youth
Tuesday, June 25th: Painting Day
Tuesday, July 2nd: No program
Tuesday, July 9th: Picnic and Yard Games
Tuesday, July 16th: Poetry Day
Tuesday, July 23rd: Recycled Art
Tuesday, July 30th: Five Nights at Freddy's [PG-13]

Adults & Young Adults
Adults and young adults (aged 16 and up) track books read. Each level takes 1 book to complete (must be junior fiction level or above) and earns you one small prize and a chance to win a grand prize!
Adult & Young Adult Programs
Tuesday, June 25th @ 6:30 PM: Restoring Oak Forest Habitats
Monday, July 8th @ 6 PM: Bat Conservation, Registration Required
Friday, July 26th @ 6:30 PM: Trivia Night, Registration Required

All-Ages Programs
Summer Reading Kickoff: Thursday, May 30 @ 5:30 PM
Join us to kick-off the start of summer and our summer reading program! We’ll enjoy a foam party, lawn games, popcorn, and more on the Library lawn. Pick up your reading logs and calendar to get all the details of the summer.
Mobile Planetarium with The Science Center: Tuesday, June 4 Session 1 @ 12:15 PM & Session 2 @ 1 PM
Special Location: Family Life Center (131 N West St, Solon).
Join the Science Center of Iowa to enter the inflatable dome for Iowa Skies Tonight! Locate constellations and planets, and hear myths of the night sky in this live planetarium program. Registration required: Session 1 Registration or Session 2 Registration. Handicap accessible. Please be aware of strobe lights and other intense lighting for those with epilepsy and other conditions that cause sensitivity to light.
Fairy and Gnome Gardens: Monday, June 17 @ 6 PM
Join us to make miniature gardens full of tiny trinkets and beautiful plants designed to lure fairies and gnomes. Bring a teacup, bowl, pot, or other small container for your household. Registration required, 1 slot per household.
Homeschool Meetup: Monday, June 24 @ 10:30 AM
Join us to meet other homeschoolers in the area and learn about resources. After introductions, hear from our Youth Services Librarian about helpful resources in the library and surrounding area, and have time to socialize with each other. Unable to attend? Email ysl@solon.lib.ia.us for more info.
Maker’s Space Drop In: Monday, July 1 @ 3 PM
This drop-in program is for all-ages to make use of our great maker tools at the Library. Use the sewing machine, button maker, Cricut machine, craft supplies, and much more.
Ocean Odyssey: Shark Touch Tanks on Thursday, July 25 @ 9 AM
Join us for a visit from the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium with their traveling touch tanks. Participants will have the opportunity to get their hands wet and touch one of these amazing animals! Registration required. Space is limited.
Thank you to our sponsors who help us
Read. Renew. Repeat!
Friends of the Solon Public Library
Hills Bank of Mt. Vernon
Rubber Ducky Car Wash
Solon Beef Days
Additional donors:
Blank Park Zoo
Bridge Bank
Cedar Rapids Bowling Center
Dairy Queen of Solon
The Eat Shop
El Sol Mexican Cuisine
Ellison Insurance Agency
E's Floral
Frida Kahlo Mexican Restaurant
Good Vibes Cafe
Iowa Children's Museum
The Literary Hotel
Ruzicka's Meat Processing
SkyZone Trampoline Park
Sam's Main Street Market
Solon Retirement Village
Solon State Bank
Thai Spice Express
Watts Group Real Estate
Zoetic Coffee