The Solon Public Library Foundation, a non-profit organization, was established in 2004 to provide support for library programs and long-range building plans. The Foundation's first project was to provide a Web-based catalog system. This online access allows patrons to browse the library catalog, reserve books, and extend check out periods. Upgrading the digital capabilities of the library was also a part of this project.
Since the opening of the new library building in 2001, the growth in use of the facility has exceeded all expectations. To support this growth and maintain a viable community library, the Foundation is organized to solicit donations, accept gifts, and manage these funds carefully to support long-term growth in library service.
Foundation Board Members:
Bob King - President
Sandy Phillips - Vice President
Christine Steinbrech - Treasurer
Kris Brown - Secretary
Kelli Andresen
Liz King (Library Director, non-voting consultant)
Contact the Foundation via email at splfoundationia@gmail.com